La inspiración nació a través del diseño de ropa y ambientes deportivos, tomando esta energía positiva, a través de las líneas, los colores y la forma rectangulares que expanden el diseño a lo largo del piso.
Overhead view of a woman walking on a colorful commercial carpet tile floor with gray, yellow, and red patterns
Overhead view of a modern office space with a woman in a white dress standing at a white desk, featuring a grey commercial carpet tile with abstract line patterns
Overhead view of a woman walking on a red and gray patterned commercial carpet tile floor with green seating in an Education Facility
Dash Tile
Modern education facility with geometric design featuring gray commercial carpet tile and green seating
Modern education facility with commercial carpet tile in gray and red geometric patterns, featuring a young woman sitting on a green cushion
Overhead view of a modern geometric patterned commercial carpet tile in shades of gray, orange, and red, featuring a woman walking a dog and contemporary furniture
Vitality Field
Modern commercial carpet tile in gray, white, and red with geometric patterns in an education facility